We do not transport the following categories of goods:
Firearms, signal weapons, pneumatic weapons, gas weapons, ammunition, cold (including throwing) weapons, electric shock devices and spark arresters, as well as the main parts of firearms;
Narcotic drugs, psychotropic, potent, radioactive, explosive, caustic, flammable (including alcohol-based perfumes) and other dangerous substances;
Animals and plants, as well as their seeds and spores;
Compressed gases, aerosols and things containing them;
Banknotes and their equivalents (credit cards, outstanding checks, savings books, flexible air and railway tickets), as well as stocks, etc.;
Perishable food;
Art treasures, paintings, icons, antiques;
Pornographic materials;
Ashes and human organs;
Infectious and biological samples;
Postage stamps;
Art treasures, paintings, icons, antiques.
We do not transport in cargo shipments:
Shipments that do not have accompanying documents;